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You may be able to opt out of being charged by BCIT for medical insurance if you already have adequate medical insurance coverage.

For students in full-time programs as well as exchange and study abroad programs the deadline to opt out is typically 90 days before your program starts.

To opt out, send an email with your name, student number, and proof of adequate medical insurance coverage to the email address associated with your program type as shown below.

See below for what types of medical insurance coverage are considered adequate for opting out.


Opting out with BC Medical Services Plan (MSP)

Any student with BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) can opt out by sending an email to with your name, student number, and proof of having enrolled in MSP, such as one of the following:

  • a screenshot of your online application confirmation with reference number
  • a clear photo of your valid BC Services Card
  • a clear photo of an official letter from Health Insurance BC that shows your name and confirms your MSP coverage


Opting out with private medical insurance

Opting out with basic coverage purchased from a private medical insurance company is only permitted while students are not eligible for BC MSP.

To be considered acceptable for the purposes of opting out, any policy must meet all of the following minimum standards:

  1. Coverage for basic medical services including medical emergencies.
  2. The policy wording must be provided in English.
  3. The coverage was purchased in Canada or has policy wording that clearly indicates that the coverage is valid in Canada.
  4. The dates of coverage must include the entire time that you will study at BCIT while not being eligible for coverage through MSP (evidence of your date of arrival in BC may be required).