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BCIT applies its industry partnership approach around the world, and has been involved in projects and partnerships in Asia, Latin America and Europe. These programs set the stage for the first time to fully deliver BCIT international credentials in offshore countries in partnership with foreign institutions, which commenced in 2001.

BCIT’s International department exists to help develop and implement innovative competency-based training.

Contact BCIT International to explore opportunities with your organization.

BCIT international projects worldwide

Private Enterprise Accelerated Resource Linkages (PEARL) Phase II, Philippines ($8.6 million)

The PEARL II project supports the development of key labour-intensive sectors within the Philippines. The project aims to improve production performance, market expansion, management capabilities and job creation in the Philippines. It also provides assistance to the Board of Investments and local investment groups to increase their capacities to promote the Philippines as a potential strategic partner for foreign companies.

Western Road Development, China ($5.3 million)

Western Road Development was linked to new projects relating to the China Western Development and Poverty Reduction Plans, initiated in 2001 under the Chinese Western Development Strategy. The Western Road Development project aimed to promote the economic development of poorer interior provinces by contributing to the improvement of road transport services in the western region of China.

TTA Technology Training Associates, a wholly owned subsidiary of BCIT, has provided technical assistance for this project in certain provinces, including study tours, training in Canada, and technical assistance in China, as well as the pilot implementation of improved standards and techniques.

Intermodal Transport Services to the Interior Provinces Projects (ITSIP), China ($7 million)

A bilateral project in intermodal transport services to the interior provinces was awarded to TTA Technology Training Associates, a wholly owned subsidiary of BCIT. TTA was a leading firm of the project consortium in 2000.

The project aims to improve transport services to the poorer interior provinces by promoting more efficient and less polluting intermodal transportation. It contributes to important national intermodal transport policy, and to higher standards and quality for intermodal transport services through reduced environmental impact.

Minera Escondida, Chile ($8.5 million)

Three BCIT schools have been involved in providing applied Skills Trades Training for the world’s largest open-pit copper mine, Minera Escondida, in Chile (BHP Billiton). In partnership with BCIT, CEIM Chile, Chile’s Mining and Industrial Training Centre, has trained more than 1,200 mining maintenance workers of Minera Escondida since 1996.