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A Business Consulting Project (BCP) provides second year marketing students the opportunity to work with a real-world client over 16-weeks to solve a marketing problem or challenge. Students work in a team of three-to-four to conduct extensive market research and problem solve, applying the skills and knowledge acquired over their program. The end result is a comprehensive written report and oral presentation outlining the student team’s recommendations and solutions. The program accepts approximately 50 project proposals per year.

Business Plans Target Market Research and Market Profiles
Feasibility Studies Sponsorship Strategies
Competitive Analysis Specialization: real estate, events, tourism
Marketing Plans
Sept – Nov Project proposals submitted to BCIT
December Student teams review and select projects
January Students, Faculty Advisor, and Sponsor agree to project details
Jan – May Students conduct research, write a report, and prepare their presentation
Mid – May Students deliver oral presentation and written report to sponsor

BCIT Business Consulting Project ideas

  • How do we market to a certain demographic?
  • What are the needs and wants of our target market?
  • How can we reach our target market?
  • How do we increase repeat purchases and customer loyalty?
  • What is the current competitive landscape in our industry?
  • What trends are happening in our industry that will impact our marketing mix?

BCIT Business Consulting Project requirements

  • A clearly defined marketing challenge or problem
  • Requires a comprehensive marketing research component
  • Available one day a week for student visits
  • A $750 fee to cover program administration fees and support the marketing scholarship fund ($500 for non-profit organizations)

Contact information

If you have additional questions about Business Consulting Projects or would like to be contacted when the next project opportunity arises please contact:

Tom Jopling
BCP Coordinator – Professional Sales & Entrepreneurship Teams

Rosalind Phipps
BCP Coordinator – Tourism Marketing & Sales Teams

Daniel John
BCP Coordinator – Professional Real Estate Teams

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