Let us help you answer your questions!
Common questions
Here are some of the most common questions we hear from you. Let us help you find the answers:
Questions not answered above?
Browse through a full list of the most frequently asked questions about the admission process.
Still have questions?
Submit your question for Student Information and Enrolment Services using the form below. In the form, please enter your myBCIT email address if you already have one.
We will respond within 7-10 business days.
Hours of online service: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday.
If your question involves your current registration, application or ID creation, please contact Student Information and Enrolment Services directly at 604-434-1610 to have a representative assist you.
Speak to a representative
Student Information and Enrolment Services have representatives available to answer your questions over the phone or in-person.
Contact Us