Your finances shouldn’t stand in the way of your pursuit of knowledge. Learn about government student loans and grants as well as available awards, bursaries, and scholarships. In addition to merit-based entrance awards and academic awards, BCIT offers need-based bursaries and emergency funds.
Student Financial Aid & Awards
Student Financial Aid & Awards is here to help you fund your education. A great resource for finding and understanding loans, grants, scholarships, and bursaries, the financial aid team can help you determine what you’re eligible for and how to access it.
Indigenous Students
A number of scholarships and bursaries are available to Indigenous students. Visit the Indigenous Student Centre for more details and information on how to apply.
To connect with Indigenous Services, please reach out by email to
International Students
The International Student Centre has all you need to know about scholarships and awards for international students studying in Canada. Make sure you know what’s available and how to apply.
Connect with the International Student Centre by email at