The BCIT Mathematics Department teaches or provides assistance for the following courses:
Note: In the School of Business, the Operations Management Department provides the mathematics instruction.
Note: For students in the Trades Program, please visit Trades Math access courses.
- MATH 0005 Technical Math
- MATH 1013 Advanced Technical Math (Part Time)
- MATH 1310 Technical Math for CIT
- MATH 1342 Basic Technical Math for Mechatronics and Robotics
- MATH 1350 Statistics for CIT
- MATH 1401 Technical Mathematics for Building
- MATH 1412 Technical Mathematics for Chemical and Environmental Technology
- MATH 1422 Differential Calculus for Civil Engineering
- MATH 1431 Technical Mathematics for Electronics
- MATH 1441 Technical Mathematics for Food Technology
- MATH 1451 Technical Mathematics for Renewable Resources
- MATH 1491 Technical Mathematics for Mechanical
- MATH 1501 Technical Mathematics for Mining
- MATH 1511 Technical Mathematics for Geomatics
- MATH 1751 Technical Mathematics for Nuclear Medicine
- MATH 1781 Technical Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering
- MATH 1881 Technical Mathematics for Occupational Health and Safety
- MATH 2001 Differential Calculus (Online)
- MATH 2002 Integral Calculus (Online)
- MATH 2011 Elementary Calculus (Part time)
- MATH 2342 Calculus for Mechatronics and Robotics
- MATH 2403 Statistics for Building
- MATH 2415 Statistics for Chemical and Environmental Technology
- MATH 2416 Calculus for Chemical and Environmental Technology
- MATH 2422 Integral Calculus for Civil Engineering
- MATH 2431 Calculus for Electronics
- MATH 2441 Statistics for Food Technology
- MATH 2444 Basic Statistics and Information Technology for Biotechnology
- MATH 2453 Statistics for Renewable Resources and Sustainable Resource Management
- MATH 2491 Calculus for Mechanical
- MATH 2502 Calculus I for Mining
- MATH 2511 Calculus for Geomatics
- MATH 2751 Statistics for Nuclear Medicine
- MATH 2782 Calculus for Biomedical Engineering
- MATH 2881 Statistics for Occupational Health and Safety
- MATH 3042 Applied Probability and Statistics for Computing
- MATH 3342 Transform Calculus for Mechatronics and Robotics
- MATH 3423 Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra for Civil Engineering
- MATH 3433 Transform Calculus and Statistics for Electronics
- MATH 3441 Advanced Statistics and Computer Skills for Food Technology
- MATH 3494 Statistics for Mechanical Technologists
- MATH 3499 Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Systems for Mechanical Engineers
- MATH 3503 Calculus 2 for Mining
- MATH 3504 Statistics for Mining
- MATH 3511 Matrix Methods for Geomatics
- MATH 3620 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
- MATH 3782 Statistics for Biomedical Engineering
- MATH 3842 Statistics for Prosthetics and Orthotics
- MATH 3942 Math Foundations for TTED
- MATH 4416 Numerical Methods for Chemical and Environmental Technology
- MATH 4442 Inferential Statistics and Research Methodology for Biotechnology
- MATH 4491 Statistics/Quality Control for Mechanical
- MATH 4499 Differential Equations and Vector Calculus for Mechanical Engineering
- MATH 4504 Differential Equations for Mining
- MATH 4943 Advanced Mathematics for TTED
- MATH 4511 Statistics for Geomatics
- MATH 4620 Multivariable and Vector Calculus for Electronics
- MATH 5504 Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Methods for Mining
- MATH 6010 Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineering 1
- MATH 6105 Statistics for Radiation Therapy
- MATH 7010 Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineering 2
- MATH 7195 Statistics for Mechanical Engineering
- MATH 7295 Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineering
- MATH 7510 Engineering Statistics
- MATH 7908 Linear Algebra and Applications for Computing
- COMP 1113 Applied Mathematics for Computer Systems Technology
- COMP 2121 Discrete Mathematics
- COMP 4560 Computer Graphics for Computer Systems Technology
- NTRY 0107 Basic Computer Applications for Technology Entry