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Stay informed:

  • Learn about our Safety Wise smartphone app
  • Learn about BCIT ALERT system
  • Learn what you can do to prepare in an emergency

Download our Safety Wise app

cell phone outline with safetywise app pic.

Available now! BCIT’s Safety Wise mobile app is your most convenient source of safety information and emergency communication when you need it most. The app features emergency contacts, safety tips, a personal safety toolbox and detailed maps to help you find your way around campus!

available on the app store button

get it on the google play button


Watch the video to see all the Safety Wise app features:

Customize your BCIT Alert

logo BCIT Alert four arrows pointing to a white dot in middle.

BCIT’s emergency warning alert system—BCIT ALERT—is designed to keep the BCIT community connected to key information. In the event of an emergency, we will use the system to get critical information to you. Students and staff are automatically registered with their email. Additional emails or phone numbers can be added. We also encourage family members to register for BCIT ALERT.

How to register for or customize BCIT Alert
Android App Hibernation
How to Disable App Hibernation Manually
How to Verify That Your Android Device Can Receive Push Notifications
iOS App Offloading
How to Verify That Your iOS Device Can Receive Push Notifications

Find out what to do in an emergency

umbrella logo

Individuals play a key role in the response to an emergency, whether it is an earthquake, fire, explosion, toxic spill or other unfortunate situation. Find out how to be prepared, and what to do should the time come.

View our campus specific emergency plans