- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
In ECOR 9270 students will finalize their research proposal. The full proposal should include all details of the research, experimental design, statistics used (if appropriate), and milestones and deliverables. During the course students will reinforce many of the concepts presented in level one and two of the program, including experimental design, communicating with Indigenous peoples, the concepts of planning and monitoring in ER, project management, and public engagement. In addition to the proposal, students must develop a detailed safety plan, budget, and apply for all permits needed for their research.
- 60% in ECOR 9170
Domestic fees
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop a detailed, scientifically defendable research proposal
- Submit for approval a detailed safety plan for a research proposal
- Submit for approval a detailed budget
- Develop and implement a detailed communication plan with project partners, supervisor, faculty, and cohort about their proposed research
Effective as of Fall 2024
Course Offerings
Winter 2025
Below is one offering of ECOR 9270 for the Winter 2025 term.
CRN 92607
Mon Jan 06 - Thu Apr 24
- 15 weeks
- CRN 92607
- Domestic fees $856.32
Seats Available
This course offering has seats available.
Class meeting times
Course outline
Course outline TBD — see Learning Outcomes in the interim.
Important information
- Departmental approval needed
- International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
- This course is reserved for the students in MSc in Ecological Restoration. Please contact Giti Abouhamzeh at giti_abouhamzeh@bcit.ca or call 778-331-1392 to get permission No class on April 21st due to stat holiday. Make up class on Thursday, April 24th. Make up class on Thursday, April 24th.
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.