“I loved learning from my professors, who were all very knowledgeable, and I was lucky to have had a lot of opportunities from being at BCIT.”
Raeann Sherman, Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity grad
Learn more about Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity and join us for an online Info Session on Monday, February 26, at 6 pm (PST).
You’ll learn about preventing computer crime and investigating digital criminal activity, from fraud to violent crime.
The program will help you develop technical expertise, investigative skills, legal knowledge, and communication skills for the exciting and growing digital forensics and cybersecurity field.
Raymond Yu, our Digital Forensics program head, will discuss program options such as the Bachelor of Technology, Advanced Certificate, and Microcredential options.
The Zoom invitation link will be emailed to all registered guests one day before the event.
Please email BCIT_Forensics@bcit.ca for any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you on February 26!