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For a Career in Ecological Restoration

Ecological Restoration
Master of Science
Ecological Restoration
Bachelor of Science
Forest and Natural Areas Management (FNAM)
Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation (FWR)

Looking for a rewarding career in restoring degraded ecosystems? Become a part of Canada’s premier environmental and restoration related programs and experience one of Canada’s most unique models. You can start your career in BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Diploma program, then move into BCIT’s B.Sc. in Ecological Restoration, one of Canada’s first degrees in ecological restoration1. You may then apply for entry into the new M.Sc. degree in Ecological Restoration, Canada’s first professional graduate degree specializing in restoring degraded ecosystems. Within 6 years you would receive a diploma in Fish, Wildlife, & Recreational Land Management, and a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Ecological Restoration. You may also enter directly into the B.Sc. or M.Sc. for advanced training in ecological Restoration with the prerequisite entry requirements. So, come join us and learn to be an ecosystem physician and help heal our degraded ecosystems.

Ecological Restoration is a scientific discipline that has recently emerged due to the increasing need to restore degraded and damaged ecosystems. Many ecosystem goods, services, and natural habitats have been severely impacted due to the cumulative impacts of previous and ongoing anthropogenic influences, including for example: urban sprawl, industrial expansion, invasive species, and contamination of soils and water resources. These impacts, and the need to remediate, rehabilitate, and restore habitat for threatened and endangered species, have led to the requirement for ecosystem restoration work across the province, Canada, and internationally. Restoration scientists and practitioners are ‘ecosystem physicians’ …. Doctors apply knowledge of physiology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and parasitology to address human health issues. Ecological Restoration practitioners apply knowledge of: ecology, hydrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, and engineering to address ecological health issues2. So, come join us at BCIT and learn how to have a positive impact on the natural environments we live in. See the programs listed at the right of this page for details specific to each of the programs mentioned above.

We look forward to hearing from you…

Glenrose tidal marsh project

BCIT’s Ecological Restoration M.Sc. students taking part in the Glenrose Tidal Marsh Project working in partnership with Port Metro Vancouver.


1Both BCIT and Trent University initiated their degrees in ecological restoration in 2009 – the first two in Canada.
2This analogy was originally described by Hood and Simenstad in Roman, C.T. and D.M. Burdick’s (2012) book titled: Tidal Marsh Restoration: A Synthesis of Science and Management. Island Press, Washington, DC.