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The 2015 Presentation Idol Final was on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 in the Great Hall. Check out the photos.

2015 Presentation Idol Winner, Jamie Haakons, standing between the two presenters holding his certificate.
2015 Winner Jamie Haakons


Judges’ Choice Awards

  • First Place – $1000
    Jamie Haakons, The AutoGarden
  • Second Place – $700
    Dean Tamboline, Not so Green: The dark side of manufacturing monocrystalline photovoltaic solar cells
  • Third Place – $400
    Navtej Heir, Space Based Solar Power

Judges’ choice winners also received padfolios from APEG BC.

Audience Choice Awards

  • First Place – $500
    Nagaresh Manohar, Transportation – Reducing Congestion the Smart Way
  • Second Place – $400
    Brandon Nguyen, Art and Engineering
  • Third Place – $300 (tie)
    Jamie Haakons, The AutoGarden
    Dean Tamboline, Not so Green: The dark side of manufacturing monocrystalline photovoltaic solar cells
2017 presentation idol finalists and judges standing on a stage.
Presentation Idol 2015 finalists and judges

Judging panel

Presentation Idol 2015 had a very special judging panel. Final round judges included:

  • Bridgitte Anderson, Senior Vice President Corporate & Public Affairs, Edelman
  • Val Casselton, Associate Editor, Vancouver Sun
  • Peter Judd, General Manager Engineering, City of Vancouver
  • Gordon Farrell, Retired BCIT Dean, Graduate of Class of 1966, & Board Member of the BCIT Retirees’ Association
  • Mark Poweska, Vice President Engineering and Design, BC Hydro

50th Anniversary Idol expanded eligibility

To celebrate BCIT’s 50th anniversary, this fifth Presentation Idol was open to student competitors from a wider range of BCIT technology programs.

“Current BCIT engineering and technology students,* who have taken at least one BCIT communication course, are invited to deliver a six- to eight-minute oral presentation on a technology-related topic. Student are encouraged to showcase and/or comment on innovation in engineering and technology, for instance by presenting their own designs, or exploring and commenting on new frontiers, such as technology for sustainability, cradle to cradle design for a circular economy, frugal engineering, and the like.”

*eligible students are those whose programs could lead them to membership in Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of BC (ASTTBC), Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC), or Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) – Canada’s Association of Information Technology Professionals. Examples include students in any program with engineering in the name, as well as the Architectural and Building Technology Diploma, Architectural Science, Computing, Geomatics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Mining, or other programs which lead to ASTTBC membership, from the schools of Computing and Academic Studies, School of Energy and School of Construction and the Environment.

2015 finalist presentations

Reza Filsoof, Fundamental Human Needs versus Desires

Jamie Haakons, The AutoGarden

Navtej Heir, Space Based Solar Power

Sanesh Iyer, Cross Functional Teams in Industry and at BCIT

Matteo Leemet, HAR – Human Assisted Robots

Nagaresh Manohar, Transportation – Reducing Congestion the Smart Way

Brandon Nguyen, Art and Engineering

Dean Tamboline, Not so Green: The dark side of manufacturing monocrystalline photovoltaic solar cells

All finalists received generous book donations from Pearson and Wiley.

Thank you for your support

Presenting schools & sponsors

This event wouldn’t be possible without our presenting schools and sponsors.

Presentation Idol is presented by the BCIT School of Computing & Academic Studies, School of Energy, and School of Construction & the Environment.

BCIT 50 Years

BCIT Alumni Association

AME Group


BCIT Technical Writing Certificate Program

KD Engineering

Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC

Jade West Engineering Co. Ltd.
