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Presentation Idol 2013 final round took place March 27, 2013. It was an extremely tight competition, with eight finalists vying for six cash prizes. In the end, seven different students walked away with a prize! For photos of Idol 2013, please visit our flickr page.

Presentation Idol 2013 finalists, sitting and standing in a group in front of a banner with the BCIT logo
Presentation Idol 2013 finalists


Judges’ Choice Awards

  • First Place – $1000
    Brendan Regier, Civil Engineering
    Nuclear or Renewable: The Future of Energy
  • Second Place – $700
    Kyle Neufeld, Civil Engineering
    Palm Jumeirah
  • Third Place – $400
    Reza Filsoof, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Talk, Cautiously.

Judges’ choice winners also received a generous book prize from Wiley Publishing.

Audience Choice Awards

  • First Place – $500 (tie)
    Eric Halinen, Electrical Engineering, “The V-Pole
    Chris Zanella, Mechatronics and Robotics, “Biologically-Inspired Soft Robotics”
  • Third Place – $300 (tie)
    Cory Bernard, Mechanical Engineering, “Design of an Internal Gearbox for a Downhill Mountain Bike
    Matthew Knott, Mechanical Engineering, “Engineering in Formula 1”

Audience choice winners also received a portfolio from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEG BC).

2013 finalist presentation topics

  1. Nuclear or Renewable: The Future of Energy by Brendan Regier, Civil Engineering Degree Program
  2. A Critical Analysis of Bike Lanes In Vancouver by Michael Carreira, Civil Engineering Degree
  3. Palm Jumeirah by Kyle Neufeld, Civil Engineering Degree
  4. The V-Pole by Eric Halinen, Electrical Engineering
  5. Design of an Internal Gearbox for a Downhill Mountain Bike by Cory Bernard, Mechanical Engineering Technology
  6. Biologically-Inspired Soft Robotics by Chris Zanella, Mechatronics and Robotics
  7. Talk, Cautiously. By Reza Filsoof, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  8. Engineering in Formula 1 by Matthew Knott, Mechanical Engineering Technology

All participants received gifts including a book from Pearson Publishing.

Thank you for your support

Presenting schools & sponsors

This event wouldn’t be possible without our presenting schools and sponsors.

Presentation Idol is presented by the BCIT School of Computing & Academic Studies, School of Energy, and School of Construction & the Environment.

AME Group


BCIT Technical Writing Certificate Program


KD Engineering


Jade West Engineering Co. Ltd.

Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC