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To provide funding for workshops initiated at the department level for BCIT instructors (FSA and BCGEU) and staff, which will enhance teaching and learning.

Funds available

  • Application can be made for funds in amounts up to $2,500.
  • The Instructional Development Committee will review all applications and fund proposals that meet the conditions as outlined below, up to a maximum of $2,500 for this fiscal year.
  • The $2,500 maximum may be spent on speaker fees, travel/accommodation and/or workshop materials.
  • Over and above the $2,500, the Learning and Teaching Centre will, on behalf of the Instructional Development Committee, provide logistic support, and subsidize catering costs up to $7 per person for half day (or less) events, or $14 per person for full day events up to a maximum of $700 per event.

Application Deadline

We accept applications throughout the fiscal year on an on-going basis. Grants are awarded within the budget on a first-come first-served basis provided the application fits the grant criteria. Once the funding is exhausted for the year, we will close the applications and post a notice on this webpage.

Who may apply

All BCIT employees (part-time or full-time) who are involved in teaching or teaching related activities at any of the BCIT campuses may apply.


  • The workshop must be of at least one hour in duration.
  • The workshop topic must lead to the enhancement of teaching and learning.
  • The venue may include satellite conference as well as more traditional venues.
  • The workshop must take place at one of the BCIT campuses or at a location easily accessible to BCIT faculty and staff.
  • If the venue and event allow for more participants, a general invitation will be extended.
  • Students, Advisory Committee members, industry contacts, clinical site workers, and other interested persons may attend.
  • An application must be completed and approved by the committee in advance of the event.


  • The applicant will arrange the topic and presenter.
  • The applicant will recommend the time and location.

How to apply

  • Download and save the application form [PDF] to your  computer. Complete the application and then e-mail it to the Learning and Teaching Centre (604-432-8525). Applications are not being accepted at this time. Please check back in April 2024.

Recently approved workshops

  • Creating Safe(r) Learning Spaces, April 3, 2024, Communication Department
  • Agency and Learning in Immersive and Virtual environments, May 8, 2024, Basic Health Sciences
  • Assessment Validity, June 5, APQA
  • Songoraphy Specific Clinical Trainers Workshop, June 11, 2024, DMS
  • Annual Research and Scholarship Day, December 3, 2024, Nursing
  • Flex Instructors PD Day, February 22, 2025, Agile/WIL