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Indigenous 101 with Kory Wilson

Indigenous 101 is a series of workshops designed to increase understanding and reciprocity among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Participants learn about terminology, true history of Canada, the Indian Act, contemporary reality, and the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. This initiative also demonstrates BCIT’s commitment in meeting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, respect for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and ensuring our community is informed and provided with opportunities to meet and discuss Indigenous issues and paths forward.

BCIT has created three Indigenous Awareness Modules to be used by all in the BCIT community. The modules complement and expand on the Indigenous 101 workshops. The modules are open-sourced and they are accessible to anyone that wants to learn more about Indigenous people, their history, and their relationship with Canada.

Workshops can be arranged by sending an email to

“Through our Indigenous Vision and Action plans we continue to fulfill the promise of a richer educational journey for everyone in our community.” (Kory Wilson)

Article: Kory Wilson: Everyone must do more toward reconciliation