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Medical Radiography Explorations

This course will appeal to those considering a medical imaging career. The course looks at the medical radiography industry as it explores educational requirements, standards, and career opportunities for those new to allied health or those considering a career change. The course will not prepare you for entry into an educational program, but it will empower your decision-making. *Note: Thank you for your interest in a BCIT – Free Online Learning course. You are about to register for the course. If you are new to BCIT, you will first need to create a BCIT ID. This ID will be yours forever and you can use it anytime to access courses. Then, login with your ID to register and access your course. If you are new to BCIT, it may take up to 24 hours for your course access to become active. Because these are not credited courses, and you are not paying a fee, there may be student resources you come across that you are not entitled to access. This would include Student Aid and other financial assistance. Enjoy your learning and we’re happy to support your lifelong learning journey.


It hasn’t been all easy, but it certainly has been rewarding, and my career is just about to begin. When I first started looking for a career, I knew I wanted to help people and the healthcare area was my first choice, but where to start? If you’re like me, this course will help you make some decisions that will affect the rest of your life. I’m now proudly able to say “I’m a professional Medical Radiographer.”

Ashmine Habib, Medical Radiography Student (2020)

Course details

Course number: MOOC-0350
Course title: Medical Radiography Explorations
Prerequisites: None
Completion criteria: Complete all course content and activities
Registration fee: None


Anyone wishing to explore the learning requirements and career path of the Medical Radiography profession.

Delivery details

This online industry explorations resource consists of four independent study modules that enable you to proceed through the material at your own pace.

This is no instructional or tutorial support available in this course.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Describe Medical Radiography as a career option.
  2. List the requirements for being a Medical Radiography student

Time commitment

Depending on the approach you take to work though this content, completion should take approximately 6 hours.

Completion award

  • Digital Badge

To Register

Once registered

Note: If you are creating an account for the first time, it may take up to 24 hours before you are able to log in to BCIT to access your course.

  1. Access your online course at
  2. Login with your email address and your password.
  3. Scroll down to your My Courses listing and click on the course link.