- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
The course is composed of assigned readings, Income Tax Act section references, lectures, group discussions and sample tax problems. The Associate Certificate in Financial Planning is a Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC®) pre‐approved Core Curriculum program and meets Certified Financial Planner® (CFP) program academic requirements. For further information about earning the CFP designation, please visit fpcanada.ca/students‐and‐candidates/paths‐to‐certification.
- Not offered this term
- This course is not offered this term. Please check back next term or subscribe to receive notifications of future course offerings and other opportunities to learn more about this course and related programs.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, the student will be able to:
- Describe the basic structure and rules contained within the Income Tax Act.
- Identify the different sources of income for tax purposes and have a basic understanding of the tax ramifications of receiving such income.
- Explain how an individual’s tax credits and taxes payable are calculated.
- Distinguish between tax deductible expenses and those that are not tax deductible for both individuals and corporations.
- Explain how integration works within the Canadian Income Tax system.
- Identify and explain specific legal tax breaks and benefits provided to all Canadians under the Canadian Income Tax system.
- Provide general advice on optimal retirement and tax planning scenarios.
- Describe the basics of the calculation of corporate taxes payable and the incentives put in place by the government to encourage timely payment of taxes by these corporations.
- Determine how companies are taxed in the event of dissolution or wind‐down.
Effective as of Fall 2024
Related Programs
Income Tax for Financial Planning (FMGT 3444) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
- Indicates programs with a co-op option.
School of Business + Media
- Financial Planning
Diploma Full-time
- Financial Planning
Diploma Part-time
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.