Applied research happens across BCIT, and clusters of expertise focused on addressing complex global challenges are found in many interdisciplinary research centres. The Centre for Ecocities leads research and advances tools and metrics that cities and their partners need to become genuine ecocities.
International Ecological Footprint Learning Lab
The BCIT Centre for Ecocities is collaborating with York University and the University of Iceland on a seven-year International Ecological Footprint Learning Lab project.
Living within Earth’s Carrying Capacity
Research exploring how living within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity can be measured and managed at the city scale.
UN-Habitat Taskforce for a Global Urban Monitoring Framework
Developing standards and methods for the compilation of urban data collection and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Urban Nature Index
Selecting measures for monitoring remote ecological impacts from cities.
International Ecocity Standards
Technical advising on the International Ecocity Standards (IES), an initiative of Ecocity Builders.