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There are many options to learn with us. We offer a wide variety of credentials and courses, ranging from Microcredentials to Advanced Certificates and individual courses on Net Zero Energy and Passive House construction, Zero Carbon, Energy Modelling and Energy Management, including Building Controls and Building Retrofits.

Apply to a Program

Take a program in energy management through one of our certificate programs. To complete the program, your application must be accepted and you must complete core courses.

Complete a Microcredential

Microcredentials are short, for-credit, modular programs or courses that help you quickly gain new industry skills and knowledge. They are flexible and do not require acceptance to complete the microcredential. Assessment in an integral component of these competency-based learning experiences, which can be combined towards credit for more comprehensive programs.

Take a Course

Do you need CPD credits, or want to learn without the need of a credential? Take an individual course.

Supported by TradeUpBC


TradeUpBC is an initiative to offer post-secondary courses and microcredentials for tradespeople in key areas of demand across the province. TradeUpBC aims to cultivate a future trades workforce that is resilient, inclusive, and adaptable to both rapid and incremental changes in job requirements across BC.

See our program listings:

Essentials of Net-Zero and Passive House Construction Microcredential

Supervising Net-Zero and Passive House Construction Microcredential

Sustainable Energy Management Advanced Certificate