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We offer customized courses for industry clients who have specific educational needs. Our custom courses are offered in our High Performance Building Lab (with an option for a live broadcast from the lab, for organizations who prefer remote learning). Our instructors are carefully selected from our roster of qualified industry professionals to provide engaging and insightful sessions. We make sure you are learning from experienced and knowledgeable individuals who are a good fit with your team.

Our custom courses are perfect team building exercises. Typically, our custom courses’ length is anywhere between 4 hours to 5 days. We can customize courses for clients interested in Part 9 or Part 3 buildings.


photo of dom constantini

I highly recommend Zero Energy Buildings

“In early 2021, I visited the BCIT ZEB training facility and after meeting Alex and learning about the course, it was an easy decision to add it to our professional development program at Bird in Vancouver. Nearly forty team members, myself included, completed the course in the summer of 2021. We gained critical knowledge and a better understanding of Passive House Design and Certification. The content, the instructors, and delivery were exceptional and applicable to our business as we continue to work on projects that drive sustainability and deliver on our ESG strategy. I highly recommend this program for all design and construction professionals as it will prepare you for future code requirements and help develop strategies to reduce the carbon impact of buildings in our communities. Thank you to everyone at BCIT ZEB!”

– Dom Costantini, Vice President, Operations, Bird Construction